Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November 16, 2016 (Cabo Rojo)

With Hermana Melgar

With Hermana Human

The trio started the day dry.....

Soaking wet at the end of the day
Hello! You have no idea how happy it makes me to read your emails every week! Thank you all so much for all the love and support! I love you guys!

This week was interesting. I feel like I have a curse with baptisms. It seems that whatever area I'm in, all the baptismal dates fall through and no one wants to accept one. But, I have faith that it will come one of these days. On Tuesday we had a lesson with a lady with a baptismal date and I felt inspired to ask her again if she wanted to be baptized and she told us no, that she wasn't ready to make that step right now. After someone says no, it's usually a bit awkward. We're all thinking what should we say? What should we do? But in this case I had an incredibly spiritual experience. I felt the spirit so strongly and just started to bear my testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. I don't think I've ever felt the spirit so strongly as I did in this moment. Of course, being me, I started to cry and could hardly speak, but the spirit gave me strength and gave me what I needed to say. After that each of my companions bore their testimonies and were crying too and then we invited the lady to say the closing prayer and she ended up in tears too. It was such an incredible experience. She still hasn't accepted a baptismal date again, but I know she has a testimony of Joseph Smith. I think she's just afraid to change and be committed to this new way of life. But really, it was such a spirit-guided lesson and was absolutely incredible. 

Other than that, there wasn't much else, but we're working on getting progressing investigators and helping these wards get more involved as well. The work continues onward! 

Heidi- that's so awesome that you have a job and that it's something you like to do! Congrats! How's the driving coming?

Chris- how fun! and maybe I'm just used to missionary haircuts now but I think you need a haircut. :) But way to be for asking a whole bunch of different girls to the dances. Way to be!

Mom- it's super weird having a car. I feel like we hardly walk now and I'm not to fond of it, but I can't change it so it's all good. At least this way we can get to our appointments faster. :)  And thanks for your spiritual thought about Nephi. I love Nephi! 

To answer dad's question about why I look so happy in the pictures- really, it's because I'm the happiest I've ever been. I believe it's because I'm so much closer to my Savior than I've ever been before and as a missionary I have to constantly be thinking about others and don't have time to get depressed or think negatively. And because I'm closer to my Savior, I feel His love, His prescence, and His spirit much more frequently and much stronger than I ever have before. And this makes me happy. The gospel really is the key to finding lasting happiness and eternal joy because it brings us to the One who's love is incomprehensible and unconditional. I love this gospel and testify of the joy, peace, and hope that it can bring into our lives. There is nothing else like it. It truly is joyful and contains the most priceless knowledge that we can gain in our mortal lives. I testify that it is true and that it has been restored in its fulness in our day to lead and guide us back to live with our Father in Heaven. I know it's true with all of my heart!

Thank you all for everything you do! I love you!

p.s. how's memorizing the Living Christ coming? One more month left to do it! :) 

~Hermana Allan

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