Sunday, May 1, 2016

Feb. 29, 2016 - Cabo Rojo

I'm sorry that I sent UN MONTON of pictures! But I hope you enjoy them. :) This week was wonderful! It started with a wonderful birthday full of fun! And then the next day in district meeting, the elders bought us all donuts to celebrate! Then, this week we worked way super hard! We were having a really hard time finding new investigators, so we were praying really hard to be led to those who the Lord was preparing and one day we were driving to an area to contact but halfway there we had a feeling that we should stop. so we stopped and then started contacting right there and we found so many people that have so much interest and potential and we are super excited to go back and teach them! It was such a great experience. I know that finding by the Spirit is just as important as teaching by the Spirit, and the Lord truly guided us to these people who would accept us and our message.

Also, we've been working a lot with a girl named S. who has a baptismal date for the 26th of March and this week her husband accepted a baptismal date too! However, they keep saying they are going to come to church, but they never do, so that's a huge bummer. But we're working with them on that and hopefully they come this next week!

This week, the husband of K., (his name is C.), left to go help his brother in the states for a month or two so I may not be here when he gets back. He realized that and he called me and was so sweet as he thanked me for what we had done for his family in helping them find the gospel and progress towards being sealed for all eternity. It was the sweetest thing and filled me with so much joy! This is what I love. This is what makes me the happiest. Being able to be an instrument in the Lord's hands to bless the lives of others is the most beautiful and humbling experience. It was so sad to say goodbye to him, but Í promised them that I'm coming back when they get sealed in the temple. :) I know that as we give ourselves over to the Lord and become as "clay in the Potter's Hands" He will shape and mold us to become who we need to be in order to bless the lives of others and help them come unto Christ.

Sunday we had a great experience as well. At the zone conference two weeks ago, Sister Boucher had talked about the power of sharing our testimonies through music. As she was teaching I felt like I needed to do that. So I asked the bishop if I could do something in sacrament meeting and so on Sunday I had the chance to play a piece that was centered around Joseph Smith. The Spirit was so strong. And right after me, Hermana Curneal gave a talk on the Book of Mormon which was super powerful as well and was perfect after the song about Joseph Smith. It was incredible. Afterwards, one of the members came up and said "Sister, thank you for sharing your testimony with us through your music. Some times the most powerful testimonies are the ones where nothing is said at all." I am so grateful for music and for the spirit it brings. I'm grateful for the opportunity I had to share my testimony of Joseph Smith through the power of music.

And then today we had a super fun zone activity! We went bowling and then we all went out to eat at Sizzlers. It was so so so fun!!!! :)

I can't believe Christopher is going to Germany! Our family is truly leaving it's mark on that part of the world. :) Congratulations Christopher!!! Thanks for all the pics and your letters and all your love! I love you all so so very much!!!

This week I learned a lot about the principle of Repentance. It's such a wonderful gift we have to be able to change and become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ. It gives me so much hope and peace knowing that I can always overcome my weaknesses and shortcomings and that through the Atonement, I can be strengthened and I can be perfected. I've learned that Repentance doesn't just mean repenting of our sins but in a simpler way, it's the ability to improve and become just a little bit better each and every day. If we truly are using the gift of Repentance in our lives, we're striving each and every day to become a little more like our Savior and put our life in harmony with the will of our Father in Heaven. I know that this is a gift given to each and every one of us and will help us find the strength and the capacity to follow in the footsteps of our Redeemer Jesus Christ. Through repentance we can become who our Father in Heaven needs us to become and we will be prepared to stand before Him at the last day.

I love this gospel and I know its true with all of my heart. I love you all so so very much and am always praying for you. I hope you have a wonderful week!!!!!

~Hermana Allan

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