Friday, July 22, 2016

July 18, 2016 - I Know that My Redeemer Lives

Exchanges with her old companion Hermana Melgar

Loosing Hermana Helmick, gaining Hermana Keith

With her new companion Hermana Keith
Hello family! I love you all so so very much! Please, never forget that. :) 

This week was wonderful. Monday night we had an amazing lesson with an amazing investigator. His name is H. and I think he was the first person I taught when I got to Guayama. He was awesome and was studying the scriptures and everything but then he left for the states for several weeks. But last week he came back and he called us and asked us to visit him again. (miracle #1). So we visited him on Monday and he said that he had gone to church with his son (who is also listening to the missionaries), and had attended a baptism, and had brought his Book of Mormon with him and had been studying it. (miracle #2, #3, #4). We were speechless. It was incredible and such a huge miracle!!! Then we talked about baptism and he said he really wants to be baptized but wants to make sure he's ready first. So we explained that we'll pass by and help prepare him and then he accepted to be baptized the 6th of August. He's leaving for the states again for one week, but I know he'll make it by the 6th. He has been so prepared by the Lord and I'm so excited for him to make this choice and get baptized!

Then on Tuesday, we were in the car all day long doing transfers and moving everyone where they needed to be. It was crazy, but it was fun at the same time. It was nice having that time to talk to Hna Helmick. I love and miss her so much. It's crazy how close we got after only one transfer. But really it was so fun on Tuesday having so much time to talk and get to know each other better. And guess what? Hermana Melgar is in my zone now! I got to see her on Tuesday and now I'll be doing intercambios with her! I'm super excited! :)

And Hermana Keith is absolutely wonderful! We get along so well and I just love her so much! She is a wonderful missionary and is super focused and works really hard. She truly cares about the people and puts in all of her efforts to help others. I love working with her and just know that we're going to see so many miracles this transfer! :)

I love the mission so much!!! This is the best experience of my entire life and am so grateful to be here and be able to share the restored gospel with the people of Puerto Rico. I love seeing the change in others and in myself as well. The gospel truly does change us and makes us better. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior. That He has saved us from hell and pain and eternal torment. That through Him, we can be perfected and refined and become more like our Father in Heaven. Through Him we can be happy. We can have peace. We can have comfort. Through Him anything and everything is possible and we can obtain eternal life. I'm so grateful for my Savior and for His selfless atoning sacrifice. I know He lives and that He loves each and every one of us and knows us personally. "I know that my Redeemer lives. How sweet the joy this sentence gives." 

I love you all so much and am praying for you all! Have an absolutely marvelous week! :)

~Hermana Allan

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